Filip Dujardin is my absolute favorite architecture photographer. Therefor, this week my favorite photos of mr. Dujardin. Today: my favorites out of his photomontages of several buildings, called ‘Fictions’.
Filip Dujardin is my absolute favorite architecture photographer. Therefor, this week my favorite photos of mr. Dujardin. Today: my favorites out of his photos of architecture and interior.
Kevin Bauman started photographing abandoned buildings in Detroit during the mid 90’s. He was fascinated by the once wealthy areas where nowadays the abandoned large mansions are an example of the downfall of American cities. Redevelopment has started but seemed to stick to just a few neighborhoods and ignore the others, which are almost completely abandoned. Today, only 800 000 citizens live in Detroit, instead of the 2 million that once lived here. For more info, click here.
all photos by Kevin Bauman
My apologies for being so absent on the blog lately, I’ve been having some trouble with settling down now my lessons have started again and getting everything done that needs to be done. But I’m back now! Last Sunday, ‘Dag van de architectuur’ took place in Flanders, on this particular day several buildings (both public and private) open their doors for lovers of architecture, and I was given the opportunity to photograph for the organization. They wanted photos that would show how much of a success this day was, portraying lots of interested people, but of course I couldn’t resist taking some photos of these beautiful buildings as well! These photos are from the openbaar entrepot voor de kunsten, a building belonged to the customs and now is the new home for several cultural initiatives, with rehearsal rooms, a theatre and a café. The industrial vibe made it one of my favorites!
Another museum! It seems like I spend all of my freetime in museums, buth I have to admit, all of these museums I have visited for the architecture rather than their collection, and most of these visits were for one of my courses! That aside, I really enjoy these visits. Anyway, this is Museum M, Leuven’s pride.
all pictures taken by me
Kapelle St. Bruder-Klaus by Peter Zumthor, located in the middle of nowhere, inbetween fields.
The breathtaking interior of Zumthor’s chapel. I didn’t know what to expect from the interior, but it certainly wasn’t this. A must-see.
Kunstmuseul Bonn by Shultes Frank architects.
Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt.
Siedlung Westhausen and Siedlung Römerstadt from Das Neue Frankfurt. I enjoyed walking in between the small houses and big trees with their pretty shadows.
all pictures taken by me
Recently I took a little roadtrip along with 50 other architecture students to Frankfurt. I will show you all of the pictures soon, but this building diserves a post of it’s own. On our way to Frankfurt, we stopped by the most beautiful museum I’ve ever been to. Seriously,if you ever get the chance, please visit the Kolumba Art museum of the Archoiocese of Cologne. It’s designed by Peter Zumthor and the architecture is mindblowing, all of us walked around in awe and totally forgot about what time we had to be back at the bus and where we would find a meal before we got there.
all pictures taken by me
For the second edition of (t)huiswerk (where we portray an architect’s own home), we visited Jan de Muynck. You can read the article here on page 19, but I’ll give you a short explanation about the concept of his house. Three of the facades are more or less closed, only the facade facing the neighbouring house is entirely open. This radical decision has it’s influence on the inside of the house of course, which I hope you can see in the photos.
Hallway on the topfloor, on the left side you see the children’s rooms, which are extremely small and get their daylight through a sky light. The hallway is very wide and functions as an extension of the children’s rooms, they play in the hallway and find privacy in their small rooms.
all pictures taken by me