PRETTY THINGS: outfit inspiration

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While you’re reading this, I’m packing my bags and leaving for Dour festival.  I’ll be back on Monday, but no worries, I’ve planned some posts so you won’t be bored!  Unfortunately it will be rather cold and wet the next few days, but I’m still hoping I can look as effortlessly cool and chic as these 7 ladies!  (Although I won’t be bringing my maxi skirt, I’d hate to ruin it!)

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1.  Cute illustration by Aled Lewis.

2.   Ilot Vintage replaces the worn out leather of vintage cameras with wood veneer to make them even prettier.  (source)

3.  This grove’s iPhone back cover is made of from leftover material from industrial skateboard manufacturing.  SO COOL.  (source)

4.  Beautiful collages by Ben Giles.  (source)

5. The swimming pool at Bhakti Park, Wadala, Mumbai has a giant aerial photo of new york on the floor of the pool.  I bet swimming there makes you feel like a superhero!  (source)

6.  The KooKoo BirdHouse is a modern take on the cuckoo clock, with 12 different real bird recordings (one for each hour) and customizable pendants and birds.  (source)

7.  This is a customizable, cross-stitchable iPhone case, one you’ll never get bored of!  (source)

8.  Smile tattoo.

9.  Temporary Vintage Plant shop in Stockholm by Byggstudio, where one can trade and exhibit second-hand plants and their background stories. If you buy a plant, you get the background story of the previous owner.  (source)

10.  What book should I read? tells you – oh surprise – what book to read!

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  1. Understand rap: explanations of confusing rap lyrics you and your grandma can understand – no further explanation needed, right?
  2. Funny Food: 365 Healthy, Silly, Creative Breakfasts gives you exactly what it promises!  Now all I need is to convince someone to prepare me one of those breakfasts every morning… (source)
  3. Every story needs a book, and that’s exactly what My Book by Dennis Guidone offers: a cover sheet, chapters, a table of contents and a blank body for you to fill.  (source)
  4. Ryan McGinley, one of my absolute heroes, selected his favorite photographs from his first decade of work and collected them in the book You and I.  My birthday’s in two months, just saying! (source)
  5. Urban knits by Simone Werle stuns you with images of the latest street art hype.
  6. Belgium’s best buildings shows a selection of 75 buildings completed after 1900, ranging from the Royal greenhouses of Laeken to the MAS museum in Antwerp.
  7. Bike Snob: systematically and mercilessly realigning the world of cycling should be a must-read for anyone who rides their bike on a daily basis.  I’m curious!
  8. Store front – the disappearing face of New York by James and Karla Murray captures New York City’s timeworn storefronts.  (source)
  9. Carpe Diem journal is a wonderfully illustrated diary for both your mini and major goals.
  10. Jonathan Safran Foer collaborated with graphic designer Sara De Bondt on his book ‘Tree of codes‘.  It’s a cropped version of the Polish story Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz – and you can take ‘cropped’ quite literally: Foer literally cut out words of the story and left the blank spaces as empty holes in the page.  If you click here, you can find videos of the making off and people’s reactions when they first open the book.


1.  Polar ice bucket: when the ice cubes melt, the polar bear will float around on his ice floe.  (source)

2.  Japanese architect Junya Ishigami makes the best sketches.

3.  Graphic designer Sarah Harvey’s designer toy filled home.  (source)

4.  Characters for an epic tale.  (source)

5.  Hand drawn bear plate.  (source)

6.  The Minister’s Treehouse is a giant treehouse that took 11 years to build.  (source)

7. Geometric Neon Nesting Dolls by Sketch inc.  (source)

8.  Menno Aden photographed a series of Berlin interiors looking down from the ceiling.  (source)

9.  Kyoto’s bunny shaped road blocks.  (source)

10.  Jumping Bunny rabbit sir Hopsalot (source)

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If you’re following me on facebook, you’ve probably already seen this photo of the view I had from behind my desk while studying.  The lovely weather we had a few weeks ago inspired me to add some fresh flowers from the garden next to my hyacinth (a gift from a friend) and my sanseveria cilindricum (bought in ikea).  (The red glass and pot on the right are also from ikea, the mug is from our local thrift shop and the glass jar was found in the kitchen.)  Because I love this green view so much, I figured I’d gather all of the interior decoration featuring plants I have been collecting over time.  Here they are!

  1. Herbs in colorful marimekko mugs at the home of weekday carnival.
  2. Cute cacti, as seen on goesting.
  3. Super pretty terrarium, available here.
  4. Fellow fellow‘s diy planters.
  5. Lucy and Stephen’s wonderful glasshouse.
  6. Most beautiful matches I could ever imagine, designed by Karou Mende and found through jokemijn.
  7. Wallflower vases by  Gitta Gschwendtner, as seen on dezeen.
  8. I might not be the biggest neon fan, but this plant hanger stole my heart.
  9. Coral vase.
  10. A pair and a spare gathered many indoor plant ideas, including these framed plants.

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