au pays des merveilles

I’m spending this week at home with my parents and sister, to celebrate christmas with my family, catch up with my friends and do some studying (unfortunately).  Being away from Lisbon, even if only for a few days, I already miss it!  That’s going to be though when I have to get home in february to finish my semester in Belgium…  Anyway, like I already told you many times, I still have tons of photos to show you of my favorite city.  I thought I’d start with these analog photos, taken with an old nikon reflex camera that my grandparents gave me before I left.  This black and white film was actually still in there from when they used it!  You’ve already seen some of the photos I took with it in my post about the manifestations, but here’s the rest of them.  The quality is not that good since I didn’t have a scanner in Lisbon (I took photos of the photos – inception!), but I still like them very much.

au pays des merveilles

au pays des merveilles

au pays des merveilles

au pays des merveilles

au pays des merveilles

au pays des merveilles

au pays des merveilles

au pays des merveilles

all photos by me

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au pays des merveillesA beautiful and orginal christmas tree… in my hometown Hasselt!  I’m home since yesterday, so I’m hoping to find some time to check this out before I go back to Lisbon!  (source)



au pays des merveillesAn easy christmas dish, but it’s the reindeer toasts that make me smile in particular!  (source)


au pays des merveillesThe cost of the twelve days of christmas, designed by Kyla Tom.  (source)

au pays des merveillesBeautiful printables, like this cute reindeer with moveable legs and these ugly sweater gift tags.  Find more freebies on my pinterest!

au pays des merveillesAlternative for a christmas tree – cheaper and more environment-friendly!  (source)

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au pays des merveilles

While doing research for my thesis about architectural photography, I took the time to properly get to know Hélène Binet’s work and her vision on photography.  One thing I’m sure of right now: she’s my favorite when it comes to architectural photography, although it might help that she photographs my favorite architect, Peter Zumthor. (You might have seen his work on this blog before when I visited some of his buildings two years ago.)

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William Forsythe suspends thousands of balloons in architecturally significant places, for his installation called Scattered Crowd.  How badly do I want to see this in person?  You have no idea.  (source)

(source unknown)

Bicycle Taxidermy: yes please!

Running into a label like this when shopping for groceries would be enough reason to take a bottle of wine home.  Available here.

Saving the best for last: this must be one of the most wonderful things I’ve come across in a long time:  Laurent Chéhère’s images of flying houses.  (source)

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Tapada das necessidades is where during september outjazz took place.  I’ve showed you this park when it was filled with people, music and a wonderful atmosphere, but when there’s no festival going on, it’s a place-to-be as well.  In some places you feel like you’re in a jungle, and then there’s that old greenhouse and other abandoned buildings waiting for you to be discovered.

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Whenever you’re on a miradouro (a viewpoint) in Lisbon and you look across the river, there’s Jesus staring right back at you.  So together with a friend, I went on a little adventure to ‘the other side’ of Lisbon.  Instead of taking the ‘normal’ road through the city up to the statue, we opted for a little bit more exploring so we walked along the river and later ventured through some abandoned buildings to get up the hill.  We left a little bit too late and didn’t bring any flashlights, so it became a little bit more adventurous than we aimed for, but we made it to Cristo Rei right when they were closing, and the sweet nun let us in anyway, so we got a private nighttime view.  

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I’m not sure how much the ‘greve geral’ in Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy has been in the news in other countries, but here it was difficult to avoid last wednesday, especially since I live around the corner of the parliament.  I went there in the afternoon to take a look at what was going on and take some photos but after an hour of what I felt was a ‘decent’ demonstration, I went home.  Apparently that’s when the crowd started throwing rocks at the police, which in the end led to the police attacking the crowd.  Fast forward to a few hours later: I was working in my apartment, when all of a sudden I hear – besides the normal shouting and whistling that usually accompanies these demonstrations – strange noises.  I step outside on my balcony, and see people pushing over the glass bank on the corner of my street and setting fire to the trash.  At one point I was surrounded by three fires, at every exit of my street around my house, and people were trying to set fire to the trash in front of my door as well.  At that point, I have to admit, I got a little bit scared.  Luckily, only moments later the police showed up and all the hotheads ran away while the fire department extinguished the fire.  I gathered some courage and went for a walk with some friends to see the damage done.

That was one interesting day, I can tell you!  Anyway, click continue reading if you want to see more photos – and I promise, there’s A LOT of photos!  (By the way: there’s three analog photos included in this post, they are from a few weeks ago, during another demonstration, but I thought they fitted the general atmosphere in this post, so I included them anyway.)

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