lisboa via au pays des merveilles

all photos taken with a diana f+ by me

My week in Lisbon was spent catching up with old friends while having lunch at a roof terrace, eating ice cream in the park and chilling and dancing at out jazz.  I enjoyed well known places that I missed and discovered new ones that popped up or even just by looking at the city with new eyes and paying more attention while wandering around.  I made a trip to the beautiful beach of Palmela to get some rest from the tourist flooded city and complained about the heat (40 degrees, yes) a lot.  As you can imagine, it was great to be back in the city that feels like my second home.  This wasn’t my last return for sure! (For those of you who are new to the blog, I lived in Lisbon for 5 months thanks to the erasmus program.  You can find my blogposts on my amazing time in Portugal here.)

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Some of you might know that during the past academic year, I was chosen to represent my faculty (engineering sciences at the university of Leuven) as an artist in residence.  Together with the other ‘faculty stars’ (each in their own discipline), I got to attend workshops and had the chance to display some of my photos in the halls of the university. However, the cherry on the cake is our current exhibition: me and the four other photographers have our work up on the walls of museum M!   I’d love to hear what you think, so if you’re in the neighborhood, stop by to take a look at our photos in the entrance hall (that means it’s for free, so no excuses!) and check out the museum too, the rest of the collection ain’t that bad either.  (Our photos will be displayed until August 11, so you’ve got a week and a half!)

Now that I have your attention:  I’m also looking for an affordable room in a fun house in Antwerp as I’m leaving Leuven behind in September (or even at the end of August if I find something sooner).  If you’ve got some tips, shoot me an email!

Here’s a bonus photo of me looking very proud in front of my photos:


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shit bloggers wear via au pays des merveillesShit bloggers wear – so recognizable.

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Airbrush make-up artist, photographer and designer Adam Tenenbaum decorated a tree in his front yard with wonderful vintage chandeliers.  The Chandelier Tree is located in Los Angeles for those of you who’d like to see it in person, but this short docu by Colin Kennedy gives a pretty good impression. (source)

workplaces via au pays des merveilles

Sir Magazine asks illustrators to draw their workspaces, and as you would expect the results are pretty cool.  Look here for more.

aki inomata via au pays des merveilles

Aki Inomata combines translucent city scapes with hermit crab shells, with this wonderful result.  More info here.

break in case of fabulous via au pays des merveilles

The more glitter the better! (source)

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PRETTY THINGS: interior design

pretty things design via au pays des merveilles

  1.  Sweeper and dustpan by Jan Kochański.  The handle of the dustpan can be used as a funnel to dispose the dust.  (source)
  2.  Gorgeous desk called solo, available here.  (source)
  3.  Pattern of Recycling by young design studio VDPP (a talented friend of mine).
  4.  Wallpapered table by Friis & Black, available here.  It’s inspired by traditional wallpapering tables and carries a wallpaper print on the table top. (source)
  5.  Armchair designed in 1953 by Pierre Guariche.
  6.  Crest Bottle Openers by Gregory Buntain and Ian Collings of Fort Standart. (source)
  7.  Ray Bathroom by Michael Hilgers for ex.t, inspired by Ray Eames’ famous chairs. (source)
  8. Geo rug by Ella Doran, available here.

More interior design inspiration can be found on my pinterest board or in my archive.

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art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

Ever since I came across this post by Miss Moss, I’ve been wanting to do a similar post devoted to art appreciators, but with my own photos.  These past few years I’ve done quite a few city trips, and there’s always at least one museum visit involved.  There photos have been taken in museums all over Europe: Belgium, Denmark, Lisbon, Germany and Austria.  You’ve seen most of these before, but I loved going through all my old travel photos and selecting these, brings back great memories and makes me anxious to visit some new museums!

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

art appreciators via au pays des merveilles

all photos by me

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sandra turina via au pays des merveilles Sandra Turina makes beautiful alphabet jewelry.  Available online here, or at WEAR in Leuven, where I discovered these cute necklaces.

via au pays des merveilles

Possibly the coolest tattoo ever. (source unknown)

sleur via au pays des merveilles

At Sleur, you find simple musings about the author’s daily routine.  Only for the dutchies.

humans of new york via au pays des merveilles

“We’ve been married 31 years.”
“How’d you meet?”
“I saw her on a bus, put my watch in my pocket, sat down next to her, and asked her for the time.”

Humans of New York is probably to human interest what The Sartorialist is to fashion.  Brandon stops people on the streets of New York for a photo and a little chat, and posts the photos with a quote on his facebook and tumblr.  A daily stop on the internet for me!

Léo Caillard and Alexis Persani via au pays des merveilles

Photographer Léo Caillard and photo retoucher Alexis Persani dressed up classical sculptures as hipsters.  ‘Clothes make the man’, as we say in dutch. (source)

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