1. My milk toof, a supercute blog about the adventures of two baby teeth.nightmare_1
  2. Parov Stelar’s show at The Depot in Leuven. So good!  My pictures will follow soon.
  3. This shirt.Pac-Man-T-Shirt
  4. The Day of Architecture in Flanders, when you can visit several buildings which wouldn’t be open to the public otherwise.  I volunteered as a photographer, I promise more photographs will follow soon!IMG_3975kopie
  5. My life is average.  I can spend hours browsing through all the submissions.
    Today, my sister and I were watching the fifth “Harry Potter” movie and my mom was on the computer. My sister was admiring the beauty of Hogwarts and said “Mom, why did we have to be muggles?” My mom replied without looking up from her computer “Speak for yourself, Squib.” Awesome. MLIA.
  6. Ilse‘s 100th post and giveaway!  Take a look.wit1
  7. Photographing my friend while dj’ing (is that even a word?) as Frecher Junge.