1.   Anna Duthie, a textile designer who recently graduated from Glasgow School of Art makes these inspiring collages.  (source)

2.  Edible worlds is a series by Christopher Boffoli where miniature people inhabit a fascinating world made of food.  (source)

3.   Barcelona designers ENTLO.1A redesigned tableware to be more functional: cups with a flooded handle to dip large cookies in your coffee, dishes with a spout a spout for slurping soup tidily and a plate with a vertical edge for trapping morsels of food more easily.  (source)

4.  James Hopkins‘ series Vanitas consists of skulls created out of different household items, arranged on bookshelves.  (source)

5.   Mexican artist Gabriel Dawe creates stunning art installations with colored thread.  (source)

6.  Street artist ‘Bored turned the sidewalks in Chicago into a giant monopoly game. (source)

7.  Good advice on a wine label. (source)

8.  I know which tune you’re humming in your head now.  Check kitties & bullshit for more cat infused lyrics.  (source)

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PRETTY THINGS: graphic design

  1. Marius Roosendaal promised himself to do something creative everyday: graphic design on a subject that he finds interesting or based on a photograph he made or found.  And it looks grab!
  2. Beautiful wedding invitation by Lisa Hedge.  (source)
  3. Mathilde Aubier designed this wonderful poster for the Rock’art exposition during the Rock en Seine festival.
  4. Gorgeous posters for the newcastle festival of dance.  (source)
  5. Minimalistic poster for a few things from Ivan Smaghe by A is a name. (source)

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This project called ‘rrrrrrrrollconsists of a few friends in Japan, who are making these haunting animated gifs, showing people and objects spinning around their axis.  The idea behind these animations is expressing the flow of time, while making the most minimal animations.  Two thumbs up from me!  (source)


all images by rrrrrrrroll

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1.  London design studio Troika designed a light installation in an east London park, making fun of the british obsession with the weather.  (source)

2. New Ben & Jerry’s flavors?  Nope, they’re fake!  (source)

3.  Too bad it’s not ice cream weather either…  (source)

4.  This looks like a fun shoot to take part in!  Photos by Randal Ford.  (source)

5.  I bet Elisse would LOVE to get ice cream here, no?  See here for more crazy roadside architecture in California.   (source)

6.  Looking for a present for a special someone?  Record a message, render the sound waves in 3D and tadaa!  You’ve got your personal bracelet.  These bracelets are actually a part of the Sound Advice Project, a teen anti-drug abuse initiative.  (source)

7.  Fill these wine glasses up to the right mark and let’s make some music!  You can play the glass by tapping the side or running your finger around the rim of the glass.

8.  Dublin ad agency Boys and Girls designed this fabulous desk for their own entryway reception area.  (source)

9.  Harrod Blank covered his van with 2700 vintage cameras: it’s the world’s most unique rolling photographic studio as he says himself.  (source)

10.  Kids draw the news.  (source)

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As I told you last week: it’s about time I start showing you where to go in my hometown (okay, in the city 12 km next to my hometown), instead of always rushing of to other cities or countries.  In part one, I showed you Hasselt’s one and only vintage shop, this time we’re getting some culture and something to eat!

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  1. Handmade folded notebooks are a must for every creative notebook lover.  (source)
  2. Glass etched decanter.  I love the triangle design!  (source)
  3. The only things that worries me about this chain camera strap, is how comfortable this could possibly be.  I’d love to try it though, it looks fabulous!  (source)
  4. Origami bows made out of magazine pages.  (source)
  5. Bored of your regular plastic camera?  Give it a makeover!  (source)
  6. Pop up polaroid card: seems perfect for an invitation.  (source)
  7. A colorful makeover for your everyday pots and dishes. (source)
  8. Braided bead bracelet.  I’ve been making bracelets like crazy lately, this one’s next on my to do list!  (source)
  9. More DIY camera straps!  (source)`

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1. Humanæ is a project by Angelica Dass who is making portraits for each possible human skin tone, combining them with the associated Pantone color.

2.  Rocket Espresso Cups.  Too cool.  (source)

3.  This Flag Conversion Tea Towel could probably help you avoid a lot of disasters in the kitchen.  (source)

4.  When all pine trees that didn’t survive the Gudrun storm in 2005 were taken away, this pattern appeared in Sweden.  Photo by Joakim Berglund.  (source)

5.  At the Clarion Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden you can pay for your stay with an A4 sized artwork, signed by the artist.  You better start drawing if you’d like a free stay in Stockholm!(source)

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