PRETTY THINGS: graphic design

  1. Invitation for an exhibtion with work of Jonathan Lichtfield, among others.
  2. Maps by Herb Lester (source)
  3. Cosmetics by Tokyomilk.
  4. Work by Belgian art direction studio Uber and Kosher
  5. Collages by Melinda Laszczynski (source)
  6. Deck of cards by Pieter Boels: each card is a gift card for a loved one, from saturday lunch to tickling delight.  (source)
  7. Branding for Burger Joint in Amman, Jordan by Warsheh.  (source)

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Candice Milon photographed classic movie outfits.  Can you recognise all of them?  (source)

The Japanese designers from Nendo constructed this gigantic birdhouse, with one big entrance for humans and 78 tiny entrances for birds.  There’s spy holes in the back wall of the birds’ appartments, allowing people to take a look into their nests.  (source)

 Vintage Confections sells these a-ma-zing solar system lollipops.  WANT!  (source)

Dihzahyners, a team of artists and designers “aimed at creating initiatives to make Beirut brighter and more beautiful through colour”, is responsible for these stunning stairs.  (source)

Noga Berman sells this collection called ‘construction waste’ on etsy, made from pieces of ceramic found in construction yards around Israel.  (source)

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I’m having such wonderful times here.  Enjoying outjazz on friday nights with amazing jazz bands, looking out over the river Tejo at the miradouro de Santa Catarina, close to the hostel where I stayed for almost two weeks and met so many lovely people, and close to my new home, that I’m so happy with.  Dancing to the great music at outjazz on sunday’s, meeting even more lovely people.  Life in Lisbon couldn’t be any better.

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After almost two weeks, I’ve finally found the perfect room and I couldn’t be any happier.  It could use a bit more of a personal touch, but I’ve got 5 more months to work on that.  In the meantime, how do you like my view?   Now that my life here is slowly getting a bit more structure, the blog should get some more attention too.  So stay tuned!

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You’ve seen some of my concert photography, so today I’m showing you work by my favorite concert photographer Anton Coene.  The guy knows how to capture a concert’s atmosphere.  (Bands pictured are black box revelation, blood red shoes, intergalactic lovers, triggerfinger, trixie whitley and wallace vanborn.)

all photos by Anton Coene

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How adorable is this DIY frame tent?  (source)

Street art in Liège, called Anamorphosis by Atou.  (source)

Mianne de Vries designed the ‘Curious vase’ where another vase is waiting on the inside of the first one, just in case you break it – or if you’re bored of it and want something else.  (source)

Nishant Jethi of Mumbia designed an alphabet of birdhouses. (source)

For this campaign by Jody Xiong of DDB China together with the China Environmental Protection Foundation, gigantic canvases with a bare tree were placed across 132 crosswalks in 15 Chinese cities.  When the pedestrians crosses, a small amount of green paint would be imprinted on their soles, leaving foot marks resembling the tree’s leaves.  The final canvases were put up as billboards in several cities.  (source)

Collaboration between Louis Vuitton and artist Vincent Bousserez.  (source)

When opening this pop-up typography book by Polish designer Iwona Przybyla, to 90 degrees, letters made of thread appear.  The book is appropriately named 90°.  (source)

Vicente de Paulo photographed a few of Oscar Niemeyer‘s most iconic buildings, and manipulated the photos to make them come to life when seen through 3D glasses.  (source)

Billboard take overs by Ox. (source)

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While you’re reading this, I’m on a plane to Lisbon.  Finally!  Oh, and in case the collage didn’t give it away just yet: today is also the day I turn 23!  Oh happy day.  I’ve created a more personal blog to keep everyone up to date with my portuguese adventures, if you’re interested, shoot me an email!  And I’ve scheduled a things that make me smile post later today, so don’t forget to check back!  See you soon!

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