FRAGMENTS_ costa da caparica

costa da caparica via au pays des merveilles

My friend’s last day in Portugal (sadly he had to go back to Belgium too, but I was smart enough to book my flight one week later) was spent doing what he loved the most: surfing at costa da caparica.  It was the first time I went to this surfer’s beach (quite the trip as well with all the public transport problems we had) and it was really calm that day.  Not the best day for surfing (which I can’t, unless you give me a board with a sail and some wind), but the view was beau-ti-ful.  I still can’t get over how beautiful and fascinating the ocean is, and I wish I’d live closer to the sea here in Belgium.  (Although it probably takes as long to get from Lisbon to the ocean as from my side of Belgium to the coast due to the slow trains in Lisbon, but it felt different, it felt like you were constantly aware of how close it was.)

costa da caparica via au pays des merveilles

costa da caparica via au pays des merveilles

costa da caparica via au pays des merveillesall photos by me


  1. Marijke May 3, 2013

    Prachtige foto’s! Hmmmm, vakantie :).

  2. elisselenaars May 3, 2013

    Moooi! Ik wil ook naar “het zeetje”, haha :)

  3. manon May 3, 2013

    die voorlaatste double exposure is zo mooi. jullie zaten daar. maar een moment later is het strand verlaten. helemaal dat dode moment dat fotografie is.

  4. Marcha May 4, 2013

    Wat een ge-wel-di-ge foto’s!!!
    Fijn weekend!

  5. Charlotte May 4, 2013

    wow Hannelore, echt prachtige foto’s! ik kijk al uit naar de zomer, mn vriend en ik gaan rondreizen in spanje, en wie weet ook in portugal…

  6. the white ribbon May 4, 2013

    I really miss going to the beach here! xx

  7. Jolien May 6, 2013

    Absolutely love the pictures! You’ve got me craving for summer :-)!

  8. sara May 7, 2013



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